Monday, March 11, 2024

Alf M. Landon to Hamilton Chase: 1957 to 1961 Letters

 From Alf Landon

National Bank of Topeka Building

Topeka, Kansas

To Mr. Hamilton Chase

5528 Tahoe Lane

Kansas City 3, Kansas

March 25, 1957

Dear Mr. Chase,

I am glad you wrote me.  I am most happy to write the letter to the President of the Board of Education, copy of which I am enclosing.

It is interesting that after all these years that editorial of your father’s, of some 26 or 27 years ago, about the new high school comes to mind.  I wrote him a letter at the time in appreciation.

I admired your father greatly for his always keen sense of responsibility to his community and his state.

With kindest regards,

Alf Landon


From Alf Landon

National Bank of Topeka Building

Topeka, Kansas

To Robert Schendel, President

Board of Education

Topeka, Kansas

March 25, 1957

Dear Mr. Schendel

I believe it would be most appropriate for the School Board of Topeka to name one of its new buildings after the late Harold T. Chase, who, for many years as editor of the Topeka Daily Capital, was one of the foremost champions of our city school system.

At the time our high school was completed, there was some criticism of the money spent on the building.  I remember an editorial by Mr. Chase saying that “beauty has its place in the construction of public buildings.”

Topeka and the state of Kansas owe much to Harold Chase and his articulate expression of a lofty sense of civic consciousness.

With kindest regards, I am


Alf Landon


From Philip C. Gault, Esq.

342 New England Building

Topeka, Kansas

To Hamilton Chase

5528 Tahoe Lane

Kansas City 3, Kansas

April 2, 1957

Dear Ham,

Glad to know you and Mike got together.  The boy has really been around, hasn’t he?

I understand the Board of Education (we voted on three of them today) has the say on naming schools.  I see Alf Landon has already made the suggestion – see the clipping from today’s Capital.

It might be well to write Wendell R. Goodwin, Superintendent of Schools, 415 West 8th, although he is a comparative newcomer and might not know your father.  The same applies to the present members of the School Board.  The only one I’m sure might help is George W. (Bill)

Snyder Jr.  He was recently appointed and, of course, George Sr. and your father were good


My best to you and Lieuween.




From Alf Landon

National Bank of Topeka Building

Topeka, Kansas

To Mr. Hamilton Chase

Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.

324 East 11th Street

Kansas City, Missouri

April 4, 1957

Dear Mr. Chase,

I have mentioned the naming of the high school building after your father to several of the 

older newspaper men in town.  I haven’t been able to think of anyone else.  I will continue to work on it.

You may be interested in a story of the 1932 election.

The opening meeting was at Abilene.  At Independence, I had finished the preparation of my speech.  It was aimed at Governor Woodring.  When I reached headquarters for the first time after the party council, I said, “We have made a terrible mistake.  Our fight is with Brinkley, not Woodring.”

“What makes you think so?” I was asked.  “You know we asked everyone at the party council and they all reported the fight was with Woodring.  You have been getting your business straightened up and haven’t seen many since then.”

“I know, “ I replied, “But I have a hunch that something has changed the sentiment.  It is too late now to change my opening speech, but from now on we are going to shoot at Mr. Brinkley.”

That night, which was Saturday, I dropped over to the Capital and visited your father, Charlie

Sessions and Tom McNeal about the campaign.  Finally your father suggested, “Why don’t you get the Pink Rag to go after Brinkley.  Charlie Trap has a vitriolic pen and can say things that the Capital can’t.  A big paper going after Brinkley makes a martyr of him.”

I passed it over and we continued discussing the campaign.  Finally, Tom McNeal said, “I think

Harold has something.”  We discussed using the Pink Rag.  I still wasn’t sold on it.

Finally, Charlie Sessions said, “Haven’t you got a good county committee where you can try it out for a week or two and see what the results are?”  

I couldn’t think of anything else so decided to try it out.  Headquarters ordered 1500 extra copies of the Pink Rag for two weeks.  We put them into Dickinson County.  After the two weeks, we knew we had the answer to Brinkely and flooded the state every week with Pink Rags.

I have always given your father credit for the suggestion that really turned the tide in that campaign against Brinkley.  In the last two weeks of the campaign, we then had to turn and fight Woodring.

With all good wishes,

Alf Landon


From Alf Landon

National Bank of Topeka Building

Topeka, Kansas

To Mr. Hamilton Chase

5528 Tahoe Lane

Kansas City 3, Kansas

May 6, 1957

Dear Mr. Chase,

Thank you for your note with the enclosure from Milton Tabor’s column.  You didn’t make me late to my appointment.  I was only sorry that it prevented us from having a longer visit.

Incidentally, I mentioned the name of the school after your father to Art Carruth this morning and he said he had noticed my letter to the school board and would only be too glad to give it a boost in his “Willow Page” in the State Journal.

With kindest regards,

Alf Landon


From Alf Landon

National Bank of Topeka Building

Topeka, Kansas

To Mr. Hamilton Chase

Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.

324 East 11th Street

Kansas City 6, Missouri

May 24, 1957

Dear Hamilton Chase,

The sentiment of the school board seems to be to get away from naming any buildings after individuals because in the past it has stirred up so much controversy and criticism.

I think it is a mistake.  So does Mrs. Landon, who was appointed on the advisory committee to recommend to the school board a name for the new high school.  

But nevertheless, I think that is what they are going to do.

With kindest regards,

Alf Landon


From Alf Landon

1001 Fillmore Street

Topeka, Kansas

To Mr. Hamilton Chase

5528 Tahoe Lane

Shawnee Mission, Kansas

December 22, 1961

Dear Hamilton,

Thank you for your apt comments on my position in support of the President’s tariff policies.

I am ashamed and chagrined that I have not yet run across your father’s manuscript.  I don’t know where it possibly could be, as I’ve looked for it repeatedly.  I know how much it means to you and I feel terrible for having lost it – and I still hope to find it.

With all good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a real Healthy – and therefore Happy – New Year.


Alf Landon


From Alf Landon

1001 Fillmore Street

Topeka, Kansas

To Mr. Hamilton Chase

5528 Tahoe Lane

Shawnee Mission, Kansas

April 16, 1962

Dear Hamilton,

Happy to have your letter of the 14th – and that the advice of old Doc Landon is working out 

so well.

With every good wish,

Alf Landon
