Aunt Fan.
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
February 24, 1959, Sunday
Dear Hamp and Lieuween: --
What a winter! Did your Kansas City blizzard take a toll in your part of town? I hope not.
We are hoping that the investigation of the Knox mine disaster will bring punishment where deserved; though I imagine that all the many guilty ones are trying to “pass the buck” and put it on each other.
Last week I had my Church Circle here for a dessert luncheon and as 14 seems the highest number to come to these monthly meetings, I ordered 18 cream puffs; the secretary telephoned me later to expect 18; then 2 others telephoned they would come. I decided to order 20 cream puffs and to be on the safe side stopped in Percy B’s and bought a small cake to help out. Then 4 telephoned me Wednesday morning “not coming”. So we were 16 including myself. So last night we four Samba players ate up the cake !
Awfully cold weather. The thermometer thinks nothing of hovering around zero at night.
I dined with my dress-shop next door neighbor the other night. She had 12 for dinner and her husband carved a 7 ½ rib roast (23 ½ lbs). I don’t remember seeing one so big. Done just right. Rare in the middle, or just past the first few cuts. They never insult it by using it up by stews, etc. just love rare cold cuts to the bitter end. They dog is allowed beef bones.
Dave N. sent me Dr. Shivago for Xmas and the other night a very clever Rabbi of Temple Israel analyzed the book and I did so want to go and hear him. The tabernacle is just below South Street on South River, but it had been very slippery and a heavy fog settled in and I didn’t dare venture; having fallen bang down on the floor in the bathroom, heard my head crack -- “Well, now I’ve done it,” I thought. But must have a tough empty skull as not even a bruise or a headache resulted. But all my weight seemed to fall on my left hand fortunately. But x-rays showed no broken bones. But it all puffed up and was quite painful for some time. Practically well now.
I hope Lieuween’s up-side down cake was a success in the new fryer. People tell me they are good, this Sunbeam is it ?
Now to hand this to the postman and then to sew at Friend’s Service till lunch time. Boy the days have slipped by till Tuesday, today !
Love to you both,
Aunt Fan
Steve D. has been ten days in the hospital with a hernia operation. All fine.
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City,, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
April 13, 1959
Dear Hamilton and Lieuween: --
Thanks for remembering me at Easter. I don’t think I sent any Easter cards and yours was the only card I got. But I still have azalea blossoms on the table, though plants are put away to be planted in the border. Over 2 weeks the plants were still looking nice.
Things go on as per usual. Snow threatened tonight; so can’t send winter dresses to cleaner to be put away ‘till fall (small demand I hear !)
We are having an exhibition in our Art League of 30 paintings showing the last 30 years of American artists from the Museum of Modern Art in NY. Quite a feather in our cap to get them. First time loaned out. I was on duty yesterday morning from 10 to noon as hostess.
A bad, rainy day and about 10 came to see them.
My cleaning woman supplies me with forsythia twigs that burst into golden glory and now I see leaves coming on some spreading branches of wild crab-apples that she brought Friday.
Lots of friends have been in the hospital having, or to have, operations -- Chester Derr’s brother-in-law is first out. I’m thankful I’ve escaped the hospital.
Have bought me a new Spring suit and am horrified at prices! Luckily my clothes last forever, though no doubt not in style!
Haven’t heard from Davenports for some time. Steven has gotten over a hernia operation and they were going on a vacation; they hadn’t decided where when last heard from.
Steady snowing all afternoon and we are promised 5 inches! Luckily I’m surrounded with interesting books. What will become of me if my eyes give out, I don’t know. I certainly will be the most crotchety old woman in Wilkes-Barre. I go monthly to the eye doctor and was glad when last I went, not to come back for 2 months. I have to use eye-drops 3 times daily.
As soon as the weather gets nice and settled, I start in with the dentist.
Old age takes its toll!
Hope you both keep well -- Glad the difficulties of age are miles away from you.
Much love, Aunt Fan
Has Frances come for her visit -- with Lyle with her
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, Montrose, PA (Fernheim)
July 2, 1959
Dear Hamilton,
You will be sorry to read these 2 Wilkes-Barre clippings about the deaths of Mrs. Frederick Hillman and her daughter, Mrs. Frances H. Bertels. We had such a nice time at Frances H. Bertel’s home that summer afternoon. I am glad you called on Mrs. Hillman, too, last year. I go home, Monday, July 6th. Warren coming for me.
We are having all kinds of weather up here. Cold and rainy at first (came up June 12th) and hotter than pepper of late, but we always have a breeze on these hills. Yesterday we went to Binghamton, the hottest of river towns. That is where Clara P. comes from. Mabel Patience feels very sorry you and L. are not coming East in September. You and L. and Frances are great favorites.
I am worried to hear you “haven’t had much pep lately.” I suppose you are wise to go to Colorado rather than the highways East, but I shall miss seeing you a lot. Mabel Hillman’s funeral I see is private. She never went to one after she lost a little boy, so I imagine she wanted a very quiet one.
“Times is changed,” up here. We used to go to so many parties and Stella’s married daughter does that nowadays. She and husband come up tomorrow for the 4th. They are at the North Mountain Club fishing today. She is a great fisherman like your mother.
You tell me to keep well and I am really well. Now I tell you to keep well.
Love to you both. Aunt Fan.
PS. Your Italian friend sounds so interesting.
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA
August 6, 1959
Dear Hamp: --
Dave wrote me asking if we are to do anything about the letter about Lehigh Valley coal matter from the coal company. Charlie says nothing to do about it. He is “en vaconse” in Maine now. Anne Young ways all the surface we had is sold into lots to other people, so we have no question of taxes to worry about.
Had a fine letter from Frances this week.
A young antique dealer came up on the porch day before yesterday and greeting me by saying “I suppose you’re an old timer around here.” I agreed with him, but the only antique I let him see was me.
Your letter is dated July 11. July was awful here. Humidity unbearable. Glad it is gone. Today we having what father called a “sea-turn”, but it doesn’t rain. I must go and do some errands.
The town is pretty empty. Mrs. Phelps and I sit on my porch evenings and converse sociably. Mark Hillman sat there the other night as she had to come down from Eaglesmare to have a tooth pulled.
The account of New Year’s Day calling, in your father’s diary, tempts he to copy it and publish it in the Wilkes-Barre Record. It is a custom so completely out of date nowadays. You wouldn’t object, would you? I will ask Ethel too. Someone suggested I do it.
Mabel Patience is petering out slowly. She walks so slowly on the street and is much thinner. It makes me feel badly, not only for her sake, but my own. She doesn’t complain and made currant jelly as usually and wants me to get tomatoes for chili sauce and canning.
I shall miss very much not seeing you and L. this summer. You maybe on your vacation in Colorado now.
When I came home from Montrose I saw my oculist (every 2 months), had a check up with Dr. Kerr and he took my salt cellar off the dining room table. Lieuween’s doctor Harry Smith strapped me up, as I had cracked a rib leaning over the arm of a chair to pick up something. I remember my side hurt when I did it, but didn’t know what I had done. Now the strapping is off and that is a relief. All well.
We grow quite a few tomatoes along the end of the back porch in the sun.
Well my news does not amount to much.
Hope you both are fine.
Love from Aunt Fan.
To Mrs. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City -3, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA
August 24, 1959, Sunday
Dear Lieuween and H.
Having read over your last letters - both full of news (I was very interested in the exchange students) - I begin a short one.
On top of the hottest summer I ever remember.
I fell flat coming around home by the cafeteria over at Wilkes College. I felt my rib crack and bless you, not one but two and bruised my right side as well. That was two weeks ago tomorrow. Two Wilkes College grounds-men picked me up and settled me on my 2 feet. I walked across the street, grabbed my hand rail and fell again. A young man passing helped me up. After the doctor strapped me up, I just stayed around the house and tried to stay cool.
I can laugh or cough or sneeze now without any pain, so I am practically myself again; but I carry outdoors one of Sam’s canes with a bright red tip on it. A most unpleasant summer, but so glad I didn’t break my hip.
Mabel Patience was prostrated from the intense heat one day; couldn’t get her breath, too weak to even fan herself. She is better, but goes very slow. She has been petering out for some time.
Am glad you are going to Colorado.
That’s a fine picture of Hamp. Was his suit blue, as in the picture? Sweet photo of your house with the rose bush on the trellis.
Door bell rang and Charlie Waller brought me a rainbow trout he caught this morning over at North Mountain.
This is a very poor attempt at a letter after your splendid long one. But no news; town empty.
Much love, Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City -3, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA
October 1, 1959
Dear Hamilton and Lieuween; --
Well, we’re having all day showers from the hurricane today, and it is a joy to see rain.
Mabel P. is off on her fall vacation and I have Mary Leonard, one of the nicest and kindest colored woman while Mabel is away. She helps me out quite often.
Next week I’m going up to visit Nana--
Fortunately, Leigh, Rickett McLean’s daughter, lives in Greenwich and she will drive me up Monday. She is returning the next day (as she goes up very often) and Warren will bring me home Friday.
I’ve just read over your last two letters; all about the wedding in Topeka and your other doings.
You will be sorry to hear Ned Buchy died; my doctor, before he retired some years ago. His wife is Helen Miner. No, it was Ethel and Dave who met him last year when he and Helen called to say Good-bye. They live at Glen Summit in the summer and Florida in the winter.
I’m in such a rut that I thought I wouldn’t go to Riverside, but Leigh taking me changed the whole picture; especially as Warren charges so much now that he uses his car.
This is just a line to keep you posted.
I hope you feel better after your Colorado trip and that it did you both good.
I wouldn’t give any more blood to the blood bank. You need it yourself.
Much love to both,
Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City - 3, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
November 19, 1959
Dear Hamilton:--
Here I have been worrying that you might be sick as you had owed me a letter for so long; and apparently the shoe is on the other foot!
I go on the same old way and have very little to tell you. Mary Hillman is getting over a second cataract operation - luckily she has no more eyes to be operated on ! Mary Woodruff, Clara P. and I will have a game here tonight. The other night we played from 7:30 - 10:30 and it literally was just one game. I’ve been on the losing end of late.
Had nice weather and a nice visit with the D’s (Davenports). Just long enough, as Nana doesn’t let me help much in the kitchen. The 2 boys at home go daily to NY to the Columbia University graduate school. Sam’s business course finishes in February. John does another year. They leave early and get back at 6 pm. Both study all evening. John, often till midnight. He is to be a lawyer. He may start with Stephen’s nephew in Richmond, Va, who has a good practice. Steven Sr. spent his days on his lawn, putting it in shape. At it all day.
We had a taste of Montana’s winter yesterday, only 11 degrees above zero. We’re just about through house-cleaning. Will get curtains and draperies up tomorrow.
The doorbell man just came, as the bell was out of order. It is ringing like mad now, as he tries it and I jump every shrill ring. It is nice to own one’s home, but I do envy my friends in apartments where all repairs are done for them.
I began a letter to Frances Sunday, still unfinished. Had a good one from her. It is fine she is so active in civic duties in Scituate. Lyle is very fascinating too.
How fine of Marianne with a 3rd adopted baby, instead of a dog.
This is a stupid letter, nothing to say.
I carry one of Sam’s canes as mental support. Dr. suggested it. House full of good books to read. Am short of detective tales at present. Brought home 6 the other day and sandwiched them among the worthy books. Enjoyed reading “Exodus” - learned a lot about the settlement of Israel. Not too much of what father called “Information”, as is in some heavy type such books.
Now to the liquor store for “Four Roses.” I asked for “4 Georges” the other day there, Thackeray taking precedence over nourishment.
Fine Lieuween keeps up her music and does so well. Playing at concerts and all.
My best to you both --
As ever, Aunt Fan
To Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City,, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
December 29, 1959
Dear Lieuween and Hamilton: --
The attractive b’day card here, with 86 sticking out in bold figures at the top!
And the big basket of grapefruit, juicier than ever if possible. Thanks very much. I eat one daily.
I was very much taken with “Decide and Advice” (or visa versa), the best book I’ve read in 1959. I love politics and read every word. Another good one one newspaper journalism is “Sugar Pill” (meaning make easy reading by so doing). I thought how Harold would have enjoyed it, and I think you also.
Had a nice holiday. Went to dinner at Mary Woodruff’s last night, “the Gambling 4” -- home midnight -- finish up New Year’s Eve dinner and cards at Clara Phelps.
We are wallowing in constant rain, a 2-day fog (oldest inhabitant can’t remember a worse one) -- no sun since before Christmas. Had a good snowstorm and a white Christmas and this doleful weather ever since. Miss Pease is having a birthday (same as mine) today and I am taking her a bottle of sherry as she can’t read a book.
Hope you are as well as I am and had a happy holiday. They tell us we must see Ben Hur on the movies when it comes.
Again many thanks and a Happy New Year.
Love from Aunt Fan.
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
February 22, 1960
Dear Hamilton,
I have been huddling near the radiators since Wednesday, as I must have caught cold in a back muscle and it felt like I expect lumbago must feel!
The “girls” come down 3 times a week and play Bolivia and I expect to get out tomorrow and have my hair shampooed. Mabel P. has been in Philadelphia at a big church meeting since Thursday and gets back today. My nice Mary Leonard has been here since Friday morning and got me a good Sunday dinner.
You never mention the western storms, so I guess Kansas City has escaped. We had our heaviest snowstorm of the winter Thursday night, but escaped a blizzard.
Frances sent me a valentine of a large photo of Don with Lynn (transcription note: actually Don’s son, Lyle Courtsal) on his shoulder. Taken last September, Lynn had fallen down and his father had picked him up to comfort him and the photographer snapped them. The sweetest baby picture you ever saw, or perhaps you have it too.
The radio is on and playing a lovely concert. Clara P. just blew in to see why I was not at church. Her son and grandson have jobs at Canaveral and were hoping to see Eisenhower when he was there.
I am surrounded with interesting books - am certainly blessed that my eyes hold out.
Father read every moment in later life.
I am too dull to make an interesting letter -- Been out too little.
Hope you both keep well. Feb and March are bad months, so watch your step.
To Mrs. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City-3, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
April 3, 1960, Sunday
Dear Lieuween,
Your “snow” reached us too (I think we had 15 inches) and with all the snow north of us, we’ve just escaped a flood. The river crested Saturday at 29.60 feet (6 feet above flood level). I went over twice to look at it -- very angry and threatening. Full of debris and muddy colored. Now it has dropped a foot and they tell us all danger is over. But all police were on 24 hour duty, banks and dike patrolled. Charlie Loveland engineered having the dikes made years ago and annoyed the West River Street people (spoiling their view). They are glad now.
In 1936 the water came over the banks and ran down Wright Street (where Warren’s Garage is). It has rained today off and on, but I think it is too late to do any harm. The last flood water got on the cellar but did no harm. The harm is the steam heat goes off and one has to leave the house.
I am proud to think Hamilton has been elected President of the Central Credit Union, even without it being a paying job. I remember Annie used to say Harold was on every non-paying organization in Topeka. I think you both have lots of good friends and a very good time.
We have our Samba games about 3 evenings a week. Played here last night.
I am disgusted that I’m getting to be a poor walker. I loved to walk and now my legs don’t behave well at all. My arthritis or neuritis or phlebitis - just slowing down. As Mary Hillman says, she can’t make her fingers do what she wants them to !
I stayed in the house for a week with a cold (no Grippe) and was just read out, when a box of 9 books arrived from Nana. She had been cleaning out her shelves and passed those on to me. I’d only read one of them and they tided me over very nicely. Sam is at work in a Bridgeport factory. He and a friend there have an apartment together and were getting a stove from Bryn Mawr where his friend lives, the last I heard of them. The apartment sounded very comfortable and they seem to be furnishing it. John is one his last lap at Columbia, but the college demands he be a resident of NYC his last 6 months.
Mabel is less and less strong and we live simply. It is a long time since I did any entertaining. She has been making old-fashioned desserts lately; Brown Betty, Indian Pudding, Bavarian cream etc. I lost 8 lbs the week I had a cold and luckily it hasn’t started to come back!
Thanks for the snow pictures and your good letter and Hamp’s. I hope you weren’t damaged by so much snow.
Take care of yourselves. I hope Frances and family are all right. I owe her a letter.
Best love from Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City - 3, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
May 14, 1960
Dear Hamilton,
So glad you are coming East in August and we’ll be seeing you -- missed you last summer.
Mariana’s coming up for a few days this week. The annual Fiesta is on and public square contains it. Ballets, all sorts of booths -- arts and crafts, books, Punch and Judy etc. etc.
Your saucy remarks about my “Job’s trotters” also hold true. Sella Warriner is at the Sterling Hotel to try and get servants to take to Montrose.
It was nice to have a visit from Ethel, and I’m sure you got to Topeka.
The Bolivia club had dinner with Mary Hillman last night. Each pair won a game.
We’ve had a week of rain and my rose bushes look rejoiced. Now for good weather.
“Good hunting” to you both and love from Aunt Fan
Talk about my writing a good letter, how about you yourself?
To Mrs. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City - 3, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
September 20, 1960, Tuesday
Dear Lieuween and Hamilton,
So glad to get your postals and Hamp’s good, long letter, and to hear you are safely home.
I went all through the catalogue of the Kansas City art gallery. It is a fine one and the Persian paintings were lovely, I thought. Thanks very much.
Mabel had to leave early on her vacation as her sister whom she visited in Washington, PA, died rather suddenly. The sisters were very close and it is a great blow to Mabel. They had no children. I was able to get nice Mary Leonard, who has come to me when Mabel was away for several years. She is a good cook. We sit on the porch a lot as the weather has been like summer for quite a while and is keeping it up.
Clara P. was pleased with your message about her bridge, though she insists it must be sarcasm.
We have heavy morning fogs and they do not let the sun through much before 11 am.
I must soon go out in one to sin at the church. The Friends Service work begins today.
Glad you had so fine a vacation and Lyle sounds fascinating.
Jessie Bennett, who had the dog kennels, died last week. She was Louise Thomas’s sister.
Hope your garden is better. We really need rain here. My roses blossom slowly now.
Take care of yourselves.
Much love,
Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
Shawnee Mission, Kansas (5528 Tahoe Lane)
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
November 20, 1960, Sunday
Dear Hamilton: --
Your and Lieuween’s good letters I have been slow in answering.
Jill wrote me such a nice letter urging me to come to her wedding. Alas, I feel even New York is too far and Stella and I are not going to take our Thanksgiving trip there this year.
This is a sad time. My life-long friend Helen Pease had a bad stroke a week ago and never regained consciousness and died Tuesday night. Now Stella Warriner and I are the only ones left of our old crowd.
I had such a very nice letter from Frances some time ago. I guess I owe everyone. Mariana had a gallbladder operation two weeks ago Monday -- very satisfactory and was to leave the hospital yesterday.
We are very disappointed, naturally, in the presidential election. I can see all that huge Kennedy family filling the White House!
I’m so glad your eastern visit was so satisfactory - It is a long trip, and now you’ve been to the Ozarks.
Just a line with lots of love from Aunt Fan.
Keep well
To Mrs. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Kansas City, Kansas (Shawnee Mission)
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
January 4, 1961
Dear Lieuween and Hamp,
Happy New Year
It was very nice to hear your voices New Year’s Day -- Cheered up the whole day.
Last night my gamblind playmates were here (we play three times a week). Clara was winner.
I am sorry your Christmas check went astray. I enclose it today.
We’ve had old-fashioned Christmas weather, but I’d rather a good “snow storm”, rather than sleet and ice and rain, though the ground is well-covered with snow. Walking is so bad, so slippery in spots that I’m in for the day.
Go interested in re-reading the “Jalua” books -- Have 2 in the house now. What a family !
Cold weather is healthy apparently.
I want to get this letter out to the postman who is due soon.
Mariana writes about a full Christmas -- 8 in the house. She has recovered from her operation.
Mabel keeps the same. Going on the even tenor of her way.
People are amused at Kennedy appointing his brother as attorney general. At a cocktail party January 1, I talked to a very fine man and lawyer here, who said that not the women but Tammany Hall elected Kennedy. But what a job he faces.
Keep well
Much love
Aunt Fan
To Mrs. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
June 26, 1961, Monday
Dear Hamilton and Lieuween,
I am enclosing Ethel’s letter and account of the wedding.
The last I heard from Mariana was a card from some lake resort in Maine, she and Steve had motored to for a little change. She said it was great getting back to normal.
Alas! -- 2 “card sharpers” are off for the summer, so no games until fall. Stella Warriner is at the hotel hunting for a cook. I had dinner there yesterday with her. We walked up River Street after church and Stella (whose back is bad) suggested we sit down on a broad flat tree stump. The Rich Hands came along and said they wished they had a camera with them.
Is this your summer to come to see Frances? I hope so and I shall see you.
We are having lovely June weather, but lots of rain with it. I brought 3 books home from the library, Mary Koons lent me 2 and Mariana (cleaning out her shelves) sent me 4 ! Luckily I had read none of them, and am now reading Bernard Baruch’s story of his life. I must clean out my shelves soon. I take the books to the Montrose Library.
Stella Warriner is at (I said that before !)
Clara P and I hold down the porch in the evenings and expect to all summer. She sends her best to you.
Your letters were both interesting and Lieuween keeps very busy with her music clubs etc. That is splendid.
I get lazier by the minute, am only too delighted when I don’t have to go off the porch.
I tried to get this in yesterday’s mail, but the postman came too soon. I’ll take it downstairs now.
Much love to you both
Aunt Fan
June 27, 1961
under construction
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Letter from Ethel Nethercot, Frances B. Chase's neice |
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Julia Page Nethercot's wedding June 18, 1961 |
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
July 13, 1961, Thursday
Dear Hamilton: --
I hope I thanked Lieuween for the little booklet. If not, I do so now.
Our relative, Mary Ellen Chase, authoress, taught the Bible at Smith College and English, for years. She says the theory of the David authorship of the Psalms is entirely impossible. “That his name provides the title of many of the psalms could be ascribed to the addition of titles by editors, who of course, remembered his fame as a poet and vision” (from “her book” The Bible and the Common Reader”, which I own). Nell Chase of Haverhill met her one summer and they discovered we are collaterly related.
Mabel Patience is away Labor Day and her real vacation comes from the middle of September to middle of October. If your plans would fit in with Frances, couldn’t you stop here for a week right around middle August? We could drive to Eaglesmere and over to the Poconos for entertainment.
This cool wet summer has been most pleasant. Mrs. Phelps and I sit on the porch evenings. The town is pretty deserted.
My roses have had a profuse early blooming; no second buds are forming. I only have hybrid pink (and one red) tea roses.
I suggested games of bridge to Mrs. P. when you are here and she is afraid to play with you and L.
Keep well. That’s all I do !
Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane Fairway, Shawnee Mission, Kansas City, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
July 13, 1961, Hot, hotter, Hottest
Dear Hamilton: --
I am looking forward to your and Lieuween’s visit and only hope the hot weather will have worn itself out by then (around August 23rd).
Mabel P. had a heart spell last week, not from the heat (which she doesn’t mind) but from climbing and reaching up to clean her kitchen pantry shelves.
I sit on the porch most of the day and evening. Charlie Waller came up on it the other afternoon and I had a nice visit from him. We didn’t talk business at all !
It’s getting hot here upstairs, so I’ll stop. I open up doors and windows downstairs at 5 am and close up at 8 am, which keeps the house cool.
Love, Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
Shawnee Mission, Kansas City, Kansas (5528 Tahoe Lane)
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
September 18, 1961, Thursday
Dear Hamilton:
Your card and letter here. I think you covered a lot of ground and accomplished much in your vacation.
Everything goes on the same here.
Last night Clara, Mary Hillman sat on the porch in near-freezing weather. I wrapped up to my ears and Clara with her coat open!
Tomorrow Mabel departs for her vacation and I start in with a complete stranger. She seems a nice woman but as she has never “cooked out”, I expect to lose some pounds Never mind, there is always Percy Brown to fall back on!
I haven’t seen Mary McLean (except to walk home from church with her) since she took me to dinner here.
I still think of the nice trips we took in your car. I don’t expect any more. People don’t drive much for pleasure any more because the roads are so crowded.
We’re having cool days after 15 days of unprecedented heat. I am glad it didn’t come while you were here.
Am surrounded with library books but must take some back today.
I haven’t heard from Mariana for sometime - they may still be up in Maine.
Thanks for giving me such a good time. I enjoyed your visit very much.
Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
May 24, 1962
Dear Family:--
The days slip by unmarked, and I can’t believe Hamp’s last letter came nearly a month ago.
Glad to have H.T.C’s old age (note: her brother, Harold Taylor Chase). He had a nice as well as a fine mind.
The street is very noisy (I am on the porch) and the men are filling with asphalt newly dug holes in the street. Mrs. Phelps is having a most painful time with poor circulation in her legs.
I am not half grateful enough that I have no aches and pains.
That awful hot weather: I wouldn’t walk up to the library and read Dickens and Hawthorne.
So now I’ve gotten his life from the library. I sit on the porch night and day.
We miss our Samba games, as Mary Hillman is visiting Catherine in Annapolis -- her husband is in charge of the naval museum.
It’s time I had another postcard from Nana. I must look at her itinerary.
I think today is the last Sennight meeting till fall. It is over in the country and thunderstorms are threatened, and I do not like them !
All the green around is most luxurious, and yet we need rain terribly. We had some last night.
Mabel and I are taking things very easy, on account of the hot weather. She had the kitchen radio on when I came down to breakfast. We had Carpenter on (note: astronaut Scott Carpenter). She keeps a great interest in current events and inspired me to.
The postman will be along soon with the morning’s mail and I’ll have this letter ready for him. He used to come around 8, now he comes around 11.
Your garden sounds very attractive. My roses are coming along. That is all the bloom I have in the yard nowadays.
Here’s the postman
Love to you both,
Aunt Fan
To Mr. Hamilton Chase
5528 Tahoe Lane, Shawnee Mission, Kansas
From Frances Brooks Chase, 76 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
July 19, 1962
Dear Hamilton and Lieuween:--
Looking forward very much to your visit. Just tell us when.
Will enjoy the drives to the Poconos etc.
Everything goes on the same here; that is why I don’t write more.
Clara Phelps has had bad troubles with her legs. Came home yesterday from hospital. Must telephone her soon.
No rain here. Worst drought in 30 years, but my pink hybrid tea roses have been lovely.
Glad you are both well.
I’m bursting with health.
Love, Aunt Fan
P.S. How is Frances ? (note; she was pregnant with her second child)
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Frances B. Chase with nephew Hamilton, August 22, 1962
Buck Hill Falls, PA |
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Marion Nason, Hamilton Chase, Frances B. Chase, Marion's daughter-in-law
Buck Hill Falls, Pa; August 22, 1962 |