To Hamilton Chase, 1315 Hackney Ave, Winfield, Kansas
From Gervais F. Reed, Publisher of the Garden City Daily Telegram
Garden City, Kansas
April 28, 1944
Dear “Ham”:
Definitely I think you are one hellofa guy not to have stopped in here and bid a fare (or is it fair) ad - oo---- before shoving off into the big league class. I knew you would sooner or later arrive on a job with more responsibility (?) but I didn’t hardly think it would be sooner!
Whats that ?
Thanks for your long-hand letter. It came as a pleasant and complete surprise. Am darn glad you like the new set-up and wish you could find adequate living quarters at the price you prefer to pay - - -but this Roosevelt prosperity that is existing in war centers is going to make this impossible. Mark that down - - -then pick up your phone (don’t write) and tell your big bosses to step out and buy you a house - -or else. Double your salary- - - - -I wish you were a lino-type operator - - -I’d pay you more than double.
I have not idea of just when I’ll be in the vicinity of Kansas City. I intended going down there several weeks ago but I find it damn near impossible to leave this joint even for lunch. But when I do arrive - - -I’ll let you know.
Things are getting a bit rougher each day. Its the labor angle that raises hell with a joint like this. Of course in your racket you wouldn’t have any such trouble so I shant bother trying to explain it to you now.
How did you like the way Sewell Avery shot off his mouth---then backed it up with his
cash ??? I’m standing on the side-lines cheering to beat hell for that guy. This is one time the great white father in the White House overstepped his great visions of importance - -and its going to boomer-rang rite back smack in his crippled tail IF he decides to run this fall. In fact, I think maybe the fate in this case was extremely kind to the American people-----for they will surely decide against this mental giant when the time comes. The CIO is quite an agreegation-- --but they lack a hellofa lot of having everyone in the set-up yet!
Thats that.
I’m expecting a little wage-hour session in a few weeks. They won’t catch me up on not paying overtime. On the contrary- I’m guilty of raising wages on hours added into the cards-- --an indirect way to raise wages, get around the junk ideas expounded from that bird I mentioned in the above paragraph. If this costs me a single thin dime I’m shutting this joint down-- --or letting the army come in and run it. The army could-- --they’ve got all the help!
Thanks again for taking the time to drop me ‘ them ‘ few lines. It was real encouraging to learn that you could write-- --good too. Try it again some time-- --meanwhile, lots of good luck to you--suh.
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